May Days are for Mental Health

Happy May!

May happens to be Mental Health Awareness Month. Some of you might wonder why, as a PT, I often spotlight this topic. Well, it’s personal AND professional.

When I was in my mid 30s, I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety and depression. Now that I understand both, I probably suffered for a long time. I functioned quite highly, excelled in academics, then in my career. I had friends the respect of colleagues, relationships-until I crashed. My anxiety got so bad that I had trouble managing the day to day. I stopped sleeping. I felt like a wild animal. Looking back, I don’t know how I got through it. It took me some time to find the right help. I would NOT be where I am today without a good therapist and some Zoloft. Add in a ton of lifestyle changes-less alcohol, more exercise; less processed food, more plants; prioritizing sleep and supportive relationships. 

The journey has been my biggest teacher. It has been hard but I don’t regret one minute of it. The growth that comes with the work has been life-changing. For those of you who know me for a long time, now you know why it took me so long to start a business! I had some dragons to slay.

Why do I share? It is because taking care of your mental well being is part of HEALTH care. I am tired of the stigma. I also know I am not alone. If sharing my story helps, one person who reads this, amazing. You CAN live a life full of joy and adventure. I promise. I am proof.

How does this tie in with my work as a PT?! Your mental health effects how you heal. Stress drives pain. Stress creates chronic inflammation that leads to disease. So often in my career, I have had patients with hard to treat pain, who also have IBS, autoimmune disorders, fertility issues, skin disorders, etc. When your system is in high alert 24/7, treatment has to go beyond some exercises and stretches. Recognizing this, I make it a point to bring in education on how to take care of your mental health while you are in my care. It is where my yoga and lifestyle management training comes in. The stuff works really well. I know. I do it too.

Matthew Callahan
freelance writer of policy, politics, religion, and tech. web designer, social media manager, a/v installer, computer question-answerer.



Oh, the Things I’ve Learned…